To perform fine choral works accompanied by professional soloists and instrumentalists, the Santa Barbara Master Chorale is partly sustained by the generosity of individuals, businesses, and other organizations. If you love hearing live choral music in Santa Barbara, please support the Master Chorale.
Donate by check payable to SB Master Chorale. P.O. Box 30803, Santa Barbara, CA 93130 or...
Contributions are welcome in any amount. Donors are gratefully acknowledged in concert programs:
Friends ($25 – $74)
Contributors ($75 – $199)
Benefactors ($200 – $499)
Sustainers ($500 – $999)
Angels ($1,000 – $2,999)
Concert sponsor ($3,000 or more)
Contributors who give between $1,000 and $2,999 receive two complimentary tickets to an upcoming performance and are entitled to a free 1/4-page black & white ad in concert programs for a season (3 concerts).
Donors at the sponsorship level — $3,000 and more — receive two complimentary tickets for an upcoming performance and are entitled to a 1/2-page black & white ad in concert programs for a season (3 concerts)
The Santa Barbara Master Chorale is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Tax ID #77-0055880 Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.